Billy Long tweeted the following:
"The left is mad that oil companies are making #RecordProfits
Sorry but this is America, where we encourage companies to make a profit
Also, are they upset other industries are profiting from scarcity b/c of #PutinsWar? Should we cap fertilizer industry profits too?"
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Here are other recent tweets from Billy Long:
"DC Mayor @MurielBowser requests #NationalGuard help after busloads of illegals cause crisis
@MurielBowser a #Democrat, is now understanding the consequences of an open border policy.
Illegal immigration costs the U.S. over 115 BILLION annually."
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@MurielBowser a #Democrat, is now understanding the consequences of an open border policy.
Illegal immigration costs the U.S. over 115 BILLION annually."
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"#Democrat economic policies have crippled America.
And the American people have had enough. @GOPLeader
Americans have lost ONE MONTH of pay to #BidenFlation (highest inflation in 40 years)
2 quarters of negative growth
Health insurance 17%
Fuels & utilities 17%" on July 28
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And the American people have had enough. @GOPLeader
Americans have lost ONE MONTH of pay to #BidenFlation (highest inflation in 40 years)
2 quarters of negative growth
Health insurance 17%
Fuels & utilities 17%" on July 28
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"#KimJongUn is once again threatening to use nuclear weapons against the U.S.
This kind of global destabilization never occurred under #Trump and Republican leadership. @JoeBiden needs to employ the diplomatic tactics used by his predecessor to deescalate tensions." on July 28
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This kind of global destabilization never occurred under #Trump and Republican leadership. @JoeBiden needs to employ the diplomatic tactics used by his predecessor to deescalate tensions." on July 28
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