Billy Long tweeted the following:
"Yesterday's #BabyFormulaCrisis hearing revealed in February @JoeBiden was warned by @US_FDA about an upcoming #BabyFormula shortage. 3 months later on May 13th, when asked could they have acted sooner, @POTUS said, "If we'd been better mind readers, I guess we could have.""Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Billy Long:
"I am a signee on this letter to @JoeBiden. I was opposed to printing money we don't have and shipping $40 billion of it overseas while Americans suffer. However, the money is out the door, so now we need funding safeguards to ensure it goes directly to combat #RussianAggression." on May 25Read on Twitter
"The only thing that's "incredible" about @JoeBiden's transition to #GoingGreen is how incredibly bad it's been for America.Under #BidensLeadership, we went from energy prosperity to begging totalitarian regimes like @NicolasMaduro & @OPECSecretariat for #Oil" on May 23Read on Twitter
"#Title42 helped protect against:340,000 pounds of drugs in FY225,300 pounds of #FentanylThousands/millions of new potential #COVID cases Ending Title 42 weakens #NationalSecurity. Ask yourself why would the @POTUS and #Democrats want to diminish national security?" on May 23Read on Twitter